Wednesday, September 4, 2013



1-Call the Better Business Bureau in the State you live in and find out who is an accepted member of the BBB and the agency's rating with the Bureau.

2-See if the Agency can provide a verifiable list of jobs they have done in the past. If they do, make sure those types of clients fit your expertise and look.

3-Check the industry leader in tracking Film, T.V. acting and production and see their booking credentials.

4-Make sure the Agencies you are considering have all the licenses required by your City, and State.

5-Interview with at least two or three different agencies and find the best fit possible. Be wary, if they make promises they probably are only after your money. Make sure you and your specific agent are on the same path for your future. Have realistic expectations.

6-If an Agency tends to bad mouth other Agencies or talent they are probably just selling you. Great agencies are so busy promoting and booking their talent they do not have time or really care to gossip about what everyone else is doing. Even if they book a ton of people how do they really know what jobs various agencies are working on? Real professional businesses tend to let their track record speak for itself.

7-Contact your local film commission and see who they have listed and how long they have been associated.

8-Understand that every agency is different and some have a certain expertise in the industry, make sure that your skills and goals match. The bigger the market the more specialized they usually are.

9-Be aware agencies are not miracle workers. You have to be exceptional and well skilled if clients are going to pay you to work in our industry.

10-Find out if they have personally represented any of their talent and assisted with them booking in larger markets if that is a goal of yours. Do not be confused with them claiming the talent once was represented by them.

11-Find out the Agency’s commission rate and get it in writing. The average agency in the United States charges their talent 10% for extras or SAG actors and 15-20% for everything else.

12-If they seem more interested in selling classes to you be wary. Skill is always needed but if they make more money training than booking you, you probably will not go out on many casting calls.

13-Contact local ad agencies, commercial photography studios, production companies and casting directors . Ask them which agencies they work with.

14-When new talent first enter this business, they usually make between $15-$90 per hour. Once your skill level and resume increase you will be eligible for much higher paying work. Be wary of overstated rates and immediate promises when you are choosing an Agency.

15-Find out how much and what type of experience your actual agent and the agency have.

16-If you need more advice call us at 801-438-0067, 208-433-9511 or go to  and click the apply online link, we are here to help.